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Martin LopezĀ is a Speaker, Author, Trainer and Coach in the personal development industry.

His book The Curiosity Theory is a powerful methodology that radicallyĀ changes the way we look at life, the way we look at ourselves and the way we look at each other.

Martinā€™s gift is strengthening professional and personal relationships by applying curiosity thus improving communication and collaboration at a fundamental level. Curiosity helps teams work together more openly and efficiently. It brings companies, colleagues, couples and families closer together.

Martin first made a huge name for himself in business, as a real estate agent at the age of 20, a record producer at 24 and most recently as a mortgage professional.

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Why Is Martin the Number One Speaker for any event large or small:

Executives arenā€™t looking for motivational or educational experiences.Ā They have real problems that they want to solve in real timeĀ and they want to learn powerful skills that help them not just make progress, but maintain it.
Skills that help them to get results effectively and efficiently consistently. The Curiosity Theory Workshops help individuals, teams and organizations shift from various levels of challenge to being highly effective and highly functional. We helpĀ peopleĀ communicate and address issues in real time with accountability, agility and sustainability

Steven Wener

When I find myself struggling, Martin shines a light on my thought process so that I can see my anxiety and uncertainty and it just goes away.